According to Gregory calendar, on October 18, the day number in a year is 291 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 292. October 18 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 18 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1009Under the orders of Fatimid Khalifa al-Hakim two-Amra Allah, a Christian church of holy secular was destroyed within the city of Bounderlem.
1081Normans, under the Byzantine-Norman Wars-Upullaia and Duke Robert Guicard of Calabria, defeated the cytin outside the city of Dirrachium, the Bijantine capital of Ilriaria.
1356In the recorded history, the most important earthquake in Centralyop, destroyed Basel, Switzerland, and gave too much instruction in a vast area spread in France and Germany.
1386Heidelberg University, Germany's oldest university, was founded.
1386On the occasion of the inauguration of a special pontenthi high mass Heidelberg University in the Church of the Holi Spiritual.
1540Spanish Vijaywadi Hernando de Sotodestroid, an expedition, which is now from the US state of Alabama, in this process reached the village Garhwale in Mabila after killing the Chief Tuskalosa.
1564The naval commander of England, John Hawkins, embarked on a second visit to America.
1648The Boston 'Shoemakers' became the first labor organization in the North American colonies.
1748The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle signed the end of the Austrian Succession War.
1748The war of Austrian succession ended with the treaty of AIX-La-Chapelle.
1752Le Devin du Gram was published at the Opera House of Russo.
1767The Mason Dixon Line, the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, was agreed upon.
1775African American poet Phyllis Wheatley was freed from slavery.
1790Joseph Scheeling by Frederick Wilhelm was generally allowed to enroll in the Tubinger Stiff at an earlier age than permitted.
1851Mobi-Dik is a novel by American writer Harman Melvil, published as a whale.
1851A great exhibition was closed in London.
1878Thomas Elva Edison provided electricity for domestic use.
1898The United States raises the American flag on San Juan, formally occupying the island's Parto Rico.
1913A memorial to the War of Nations was concluded from the city of Leipzig, Germany.
1922The British Broadcasting Company was established, later renamed the British Broadcasting Corporation.
1931Electrician explorer Thomas Edison died.
1935Italian bombers bombed the camps in which women and children of Ethiopia were considered safe. Meanwhile, the warriors of Ethiopia tried to attack the Italy's army with arms and aircraft.
1944The Russian army attacks Czechoslovakia.
1945Argentina military officer and politician Juan Peron, a married actress Eva Dute, known as Avita.
1954Texas Instruments Company manufactured the first transistor radio.
1961The European Social Charter was signed in Turin.
1963Lord Home was elected as the next Prime Minister of Britain after an uproar for leadership in the Conservative Party.
1967A saucewater capsule Venus 4, not operated by any man, was capable of achieving a smooth landing on the planet Venus and wrote back on the radio that the planet is hot for human life with temperatures at 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
1967Soviet Space Investigation Venera 4 demonstrated the direct analysis of the environment of Venus and became the first spacecraft to land on the planet, although he had stopped working before.
1968At the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, in a long jump American Bob Bamon Seta set a world record of 8.90 meters, a mark that stood for 23 years.
1972The first multi-dimensional helicopter SA-315 was aerial tested in Bangalore.
1980The first Himalayan car rally was flagged off from Brabourne Stadium in Bombay (now Mumbai).
2004The notorious Chandan smuggler Veerappan was killed.
2004SPDC Chairman Senior General Than Shwe announced that Bermiceprime Minister Khin Nyant was allowed to retire on 'health basis, but was then arrested.
2007A suicide attack at a motor car rally of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutte in Karachi city of Pakistan killed 139 people and injured 450 others. Bhutto survived safely.
2007Former Pakistan Prime Minister (Benazir Bhutto) returned to Pakistan after an 8 -year self -immolation. However, within a few hours of his arrival, suicidal attackers tried to assassinate him, killing 100 of his supporters in the process, but he escaped unheard of.
2007In Karachi, a motorcycle carrying former Prime Minister Pakistan Benazir Bhutto took a suicide attack, killing at least 139 people and 450 deaths.
2008NASA's intersteller boundary explorer satellite has been launched. This will examine the shore of the solar system.
2009The Australian state of Queensland announced an emergency situation after more than 50 wildlife was burnt.
2010On his visit to Iran, Iraqi Prime Minister Noori al-Maliki asked to "get rid of America".
2013Saudi Arabia has said that it would reject the seat after being elected to the United Nations Security Council as the United Nations had failed to end the Ghouta chemical attack.
2014A male Rhino OPJE Conservancy of a rare northern species in Kenya is dead. It is reported that only 6 of these animals are all over the world, out of which only one male is breeding.
320One of the antiquity of the last great Greek mathematicians, Pappus of Alexandria visited an eclipse, which allowed historians to calculate the estimated dates of their lives.

Important Historical Events of 18 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1954The first commercial transistor was introduced in Radio, Regency TR-1, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

Important Days of 18 October National & International Days 🏁

Azerbaijan Independence Restoration DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 18 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1919Williamson A. Sangma / Politician / India
1925Narayan Dutt Tiwari / Politician / India
1950Om Puri / Actor / India
1958Kajal Kiran / Actress / India
1977Kunal Kapoor / Actor / India
1978Jyothika / Actress / India
1978Kunal Kapoor / Actor / India
1984Freida Pinto / Actress / India
1985Sourabhee Debbarma / Singer / India

See full list of famous people born on 18 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 15 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of October