The year 1979 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1979 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1979 in World ⚡

04 MayMargaret Thracher became Britain's first female Prime Minister, the first and only female Prime Minister of Britain so far.
16 JuneThe Muslim Brotherhood killed 62 sheikhs in Syria.
18 JuneThe arms control agreement was signed between the US and the Soviet Union.
03 JulyThe construction of the famous Vidyasagar bridge in Kolkata, called the second Howrah Bridge, began.
07 JulyThe Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test in eastern Kazakh.
19 JulyThe revolution of the people of Nicaragua country was successful.
07 SeptemberThe sports and entertainment cable channel ISPN, founded by Scott Rasmisel and his father Beau Rasmison. Introduced cable programs.
13 SeptemberChina conducted a nuclear test.
22 SeptemberMaulana Abdul Ali Maududi, founder of Jamiat-e-Islam, passed away.
23 SeptemberThe constitution of Somalia was approved by the President.
24 SeptemberGhana adopted the constitution.
10 AugustThe satellite SLV-3 was launched.
20 AugustPrime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh resigned as Prime Minister after a 23-day tenure.
03 DecemberHockey magician Major Dhyanchand Singh died.
24 DecemberThe Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The attack was carried out on the pretext of the 1978 Soviet Afghan Friendship Treaty.
26 DecemberThe Red Army of the former Soviet Union took control of Afghanistan and began its longest action against an independent country.
30 DecemberThe West African country Togo adopted the constitution.
09 FebruaryThe constitution was changed in the African country of Nigeria.
10 FebruaryItanagar became the capital of Arunachal Pradesh.
11 FebruaryIran's prime minister resigns, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei seizes power.
26 MarchIsrael and Egypt join hands on peace deal for 30-year-long ceasefire. This agreement was made by the US.
04 AprilFormer Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged.
01 JanuaryThe United States and the People's Republic of China established full diplomatic relations.
22 FebruaryThe United Kingdom granted independence to St. Lucia.
08 MarchPhilips first made the compact disc public.
06 AprilStudents started protests in Nepal.
09 MayThe Salvadoran Civil War began.
01 JuneVizianagaram district was created in Andhra Pradesh.
01 JulySony Walkman was launched for sale in Japan for the first time.
14 August15 sailors died during the Fastnet race.
01 SeptemberSri Lanka Army Women's Corps was established.
20 OctoberMcDonald's first store in Singapore opened in Lit Towers on Orchard Road.
02 NovemberIn Paris, French police shot gangster Jacques Mesren.
24 DecemberThe first European Ariane rocket was launched.
07 JanuaryThe Vietnam People's Army captured the Cambodian capital city Phnom Penh, deposing Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, which marked the end of large-scale fighting in the Cambodian–Vietnamese War.
08 JanuaryThe oil tanker Betelgeuse exploded at the offshore jetty of the Whiddy Island Oil Terminal off Bantry Bay, Ireland, killing approximately 50 people.
01 FebruaryAyatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile and soon led the Iranian Revolution to overthrow the US-backed Pahlavi dynasty.
08 FebruaryDenis Sassou Nguesso was chosen as the new President of the Republic of the Congo after Joachim Yhombi-Opango was forced from power.
11 FebruaryThe Pahlavi dynasty of Iran effectively collapsed when the military declared itself 'neutral' after rebel troops overwhelmed forces loyal to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in armed street fighting.
15 FebruaryDon Dunstan resigned as Premier of South Australia, ending adecade of sweeping social liberalisation.
01 MarchPhilips publicly demonstrated a prototype of an optical digital audio disc at a press conference in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
26 MarchBy signing the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, Egypt became the first Arab country to officially recognize Israel.
28 MarchThe Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has a partial core meltdown, resulting in the release of an estimated 43,000 curries (1.59 PBq) of environmentally friendly cryptonto.
28 MarchBritish Prime Minister James Callaghan was defeated in a motion of no confidence by the House of Commons after he was defeated by an electorate, trading in a 'Winter of Discontent' struggling to deal with widespread attacks.
04 AprilUpened Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was killed.
06 AprilPrior to 1979, the Nepali student protest broke, which forced the monarchy to hold a referendum on the possibility of a multi -party system in the country.
11 AprilThe Uganda-Tanjania war-Yuganda National Liberation Army and Tanzanian forces forced the President of Uganda, Idi Amin Tofli, captured Kampala.
23 AprilActivist Blair Peach suffered a deadly head injuries after fainting during a Nazi League demonstration in Southol, London against the British National Front election meeting at the town hall.
01 MayEnglish singer Elton John became the first pop star to perform in Israel. He has received six Grammy Awards, Five Brit Awards for his outstanding contribution to music. Now Israeli music is influenced by the mainstream pop and rock music from the United Kingdom.
04 MayMargate Hilda Thecher became the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 4 May 1979. She was also the longest serving Prime Minister of the 20th century and her implemented policies are known as Thaccherism.
04 MayJames Kailaghan became the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after James Kailaghan's frequent labor government's defeat in the previous day's general election.
09 MayEminent Iranian Jewish Habib Elghenian was executed after being convicted by a revolutionary tribunal triggering various allegations that triggers the mass migration of the Jews of Iran.
10 MayFederated States of Micronesia formed their constitutional government on 10 May 1979. Prior to 1979 it was a part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands under the US administration and became an independent state on 3 November 1986.
21 MayRiots broke out in San Francisco (pictured here) when former Supervisor Dan White was sentenced only for the voluntary manslaughter of Mayor George Morson for the Pandey murders and openly gay Supervisor Herto Milk.
25 MayThe six -year -old Patz disappeared on the way to school, and the lotter first became missing children whose photographs featured Onmil cartons.
14 JuneA fierce storm with seven winds has still reported the missing and at least 3 deaths with more than 150 boats. Fastnet is the last in the series of five races which is the World Championship of the Admiral Cup competition, boat racing.
18 JuneSalt II was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union. Salt II was a series of interactions between the United States and the Soviet negotiaters from 1972 to 1979 demanding a ban on the manufacture of strategic nuclear weapons. The Salt II was the first nuclear weapon treaty that made a real cut in strategic forces from 2,250 in all categories of distribution vehicles on both sides.
12 JulyKiribati became independent of the United Kingdom. It is an island country. It is located in the Central Pacific Ocean. It is made up of 33 different types of islands and reefs. South Tarava is the capital of the country.
12 JulyRowdy fans attacked the field during campaigning at Comisco Park, Chicago, in which a piece of disco records was blown.
14 AugustA fierce storm with seven winds has still reported the missing and at least 3 deaths with more than 150 boats. Fastnet is the last in the series of five races which is the World Championship of the Admiral Cup competition, boat racing.
27 AugustIn two separate attacks, the IRA bombs killed 18 British military Warrenpoints, North Ireland and British Admiral Luimountbatten and three others in County Slego, Ireland.
14 SeptemberAfghan President Noor Muhammad Taraki was assassinated after the murder of Hafizullah Amin, who became the new President.
30 SeptemberConstruction of Kwang Tong Line, the first line of Hong Kong's MTR Rapid Transit System was completed.
17 OctoberMother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work and support, which was provided to the poor and needy in Calcutta.
26 OctoberChung-Hey, president of South Korea Park, was murdered by Kim J-KU, the theater of the Korean Korean Intelligence Agency and a long-time friend.
03 NovemberFive members of the American Communist Workers Party were shot dead by Ku Clox Clan and American Nazi Party members, while protesting in Greensboro, North Carolina.
13 NovemberThe Times newspaper is published for the first time after a year of debate between unions and management, about the level of employees and the introduction of new technology.
14 NovemberAfter abolishing oil imports from Iran in the United States, President Jimmy Carter issued the Executive Order 12170 which prevents all Iranian properties in the United States under the retaliation of hostage crisis.
16 NovemberThe first line of Bucharest Metro, M1 Line, opened from Timpuri Noi to Semnatoaria in Bucharest, Romania.
20 NovemberA group of armed rebels attacked the mosque-harem in Mecca and announced that one of his leaders, Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Qahtani, was a privilege of Islam.
28 NovemberAir New Zealand flight 901 crashed in Moutirebus in Antarctica, killing all 257 people.
30 NovemberThe rock, a rock opera and concept album were released by Pink Floid.
03 DecemberAccording to the results of the two -day referendum, the current constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was adopted.
04 DecemberBruce George Peter Lee set fire to a family house in England's plow; After his arrest, he revealed that he had started nine other deadly firing in the area.
09 DecemberA World Health Organization Commission of scientists proved the global elimination of smallpox, which is the only human infectious disease so far that has completely ended with nature.
10 DecemberA large number of opposition leaders were arrested by Taiwan's KMT dictatorship, who organized pro -democracy demonstrations, an incident credited KMT's rule in 2000.
27 DecemberThe Soviet war-surovation soldiers in Afghanistan attacked the Tajbeg Palaceoutside Kabul and killed Afghan President Hafizullah Amin and his 100–150 elite guards.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1979 in India ⚡

07 JuneIndia's second satellite Bhaskar-1 was launched from Beers Lake in the Soviet Union.
11 JulyThe US space laboratory Sky Lab fell to Earth. It fell in the Indian Ocean and Western Australia.
28 JulyChaudhary Charan Singh became the 5th Prime Minister of India.
29 JanuaryIndia's first jumbo train with two engines) Tamil Nadu Express was diverted from New Delhi station to Madras (now Chennai).
18 FebruaryThe US gave India a check of Rs 1664 crore, which is considered to be the largest check in the world.
05 AprilThe first Indian Naval Museum was formally launched in Bombay (now Mumbai).
03 JulyThe construction of the second Howrah Bridge, which is known as Vidyasagar Setu, began. The Vidyasagar bridge is a toll bridge built on the Hooghly River in the state of West Bengal, India. It connects the cities of Kolkata. With a total of eight hundred twenty -three meters of length, the Vidyasagar Setu is the longest cable stay bridge in India and the longest in Asia.
11 JulyThe first American space station was destroyed. The skylab space station was destroyed when it was entering the Earth's atmosphere. The incident took place in the sky above the Indian Ocean. It was a space observatory. The space station was operated by the NASA of the US.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1979 😀

21 SeptemberChris Gayle / Player / Jamaica
01 JuneLymaraina D’Souza / Model / India
01 FebruaryMahek Chahal / Actress / India
01 OctoberShraddha Nigam / Actress / India
01 JanuaryVidya Balan / Actress / India
02 MayNigaar Khan / Actress / India
03 JanuaryGul Panag / Actress / India
04 JuneAvnish Singh Chauhan / Writer / India
07 NovemberRaima Sen / Actress / India
08 AprilAmit Trivedi / Writer / India
11 SeptemberTulip Joshi / Actress / India
14 NovemberPushkar Lele / Singer / India
14 JuneTarun Arora / Actor / India
18 FebruaryTinu Yohannan / Cricketer / India
19 AprilAmruta Patil / Novelist / India
20 OctoberNargis Fakhri / Actress / India
21 AugustPema Khandu / Politician / India
23 FebruaryPurab Kohli / Actor / India
31 AugustYuvan Shankar Raja / Writer / India
NA NAPuja Thakur / Indian Army / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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