The year 1962 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1962 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1962 in World ⚡

03 JuneThe Air France Baying-707 aircraft crashed after taking off from Paris, killing 130 people.
14 JuneThe European Space Research Organization was established in France's capital Paris, later renamed the European Space Agency.
30 June The National Organization for Women, the United States' largest feminist organization, is founded.
02 JulyThe first Walmart store opened for business in Roger, Arkansas.
03 JulyThe President of France declared independence of Algeria.
05 JulyThe massacre in Oran, Algeria, killed 96 people.
27 JulyMartin Luther King Jr., leader of the African-American civil rights struggle, is lodged in the Albany prison in Georgia.
06 NovemberNational Defense Council was established.
20 NovemberThe famous Danish scientist Neil Bohr died at the age of 82, awarded the Nobel Prize.
28 NovemberKCde, the famous blind singer of Bengal, died.
06 AugustThe Empire of the United Kingdom ended in Jamaica and gained independence.
09 AugustGerman poet and writer Nobel Prize Hermann Heise died.
15 AugustEast German workers began building the Berlin Wall.
22 AugustThe world's first nuclear-powered ship completed the voyage from Virginia to Georgia.
25 AugustRajiv Kapoor, Raj Kapoor's youngest son, was born in Chembur
25 DecemberThe Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test in the Novaya Gemlya region.
31 DecemberThe Netherlands left New Guinea, an island in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.
04 JanuaryThe first automated unmanned) metro train ran in New York City, USA.
11 JanuaryIn the northwestern part of Peru, icy storms and rock slides caused 2,000 deaths.
17 FebruaryThe storm in Hamburg, Germany, killed 265 people.
25 FebruaryThe Congress party won the general election.
06 MarchAmbika Chakravarti, the great revolutionary and warrior, died.
28 MarchPresident Nazim al-Qudsi fled the country after a military coup in Syria.
09 JanuaryCuba and the Soviet Union signed a trade treaty.
03 FebruaryAnnounces United States embargo against Cuba.
19 MarchBob Dylan's debut album was released in the United States.
30 MayThe 1982 FIFA World Cup began in Chile.
30 JuneThe last soldier of the French Foreign Legion left Algeria.
05 JulyFrance liberated Algeria.
22 AugustAn unsuccessful assassination attempt was made against French President Charles de Gaulle.
01 SeptemberA storm in Hong Kong killed 130 people and injured more than 600.
17 OctoberThe City of Edmonton, Canada, held a municipal election.
01 NovemberComic book Antiro Diabolic was introduced in Italy.
21 DecemberBritain agreed to buy Polaris missiles from the US.
10 FebruaryRoy Lichtenstein's first solo exhibition opened, and itincluded Look Mickey, which featured his first employment of Ben-Daydots, speech balloons and comic imagery sourcing, all of which he is nowknown for.
10 FebruaryRudolf Abel, a Soviet spy arrested by the FBI, was exchanged for Gary Powers, the pilot of the CIA spy plane that had been shot down over Soviet airspace two years earlier.
27 FebruaryTwo dissident Vietnam Air Force pilots bombed the IndependencePalace in Saigon in a failed attempt to assassinate South VietnamPresident Ngo Dinh Diem.
01 MarchAmerican Airlines Flight 1 crashed shortly after takeoff from New York International (Idlewild) Airport, killing all 95 people aboard.
02 MarchAmerican basketball player Wilt Chamberlain, thenplaying for the Philadelphia Warriors, scored 100 points in a gameagainst the New York Knicks at Hersheypark Arena in Hershey,Pennsylvania, still a record in the National Basketball Associationtoday.
13 MarchChairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzerdelivered a proposal to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara calledOperation Northwoods to create public support for a war against FidelCastro and Cuba, which was eventually rejected by President John F.Kennedy.
16 MarchFlying Tiger Line Flight 739, a charter flight carrying U.S.and South Vietnamese soldiers, disappeared without a trace, promptingone of the largest air and sea searches in the history of the Pacific.
19 MarchHighly influential American musician Bob Dylan released his debut album.
21 AprilAfter World War II, the first world fair in the United States was opened in the 21st century, Washington.
09 MayThe first successful lunar laser was used on 9 May 1962 in Lexington, when a team of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology observed the laser's surface -reflected laser pulses using the laser.
19 MayDuring a televised birthday celebration for U.S. President JohnF. Kennedy at New York City's Madison Square Garden, actress and model Marilyn Monroe performed her infamous rendition of 'Happy Birthday to You'.
24 MayProject Merkari: American astronaut Scott Carpenter revolved the Earth thrice in the Aurora 7 Space Capsule. The Malcolm Scott Carpenter was an American naval officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, astronaut and aquanet. He was one of the original seven astronauts selected for NASA's project mercury. The carpenter was the second American and fourth in space to revolve around the Earth.
25 MayThe final overstemboat service in the United States was out of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company Business.
02 JulyThe first Walmart Store, which is now the world's largest retailer, opened in Rogers, Arkansas, US.
05 JulyAlgeria became independent of France. Algeria is a country in North Africa on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea. Its capital and the most inmanded city is Alzires. With an area of ​​2,381,741 square, 90% km desert is the desert, Algeria is the tenth largest country in the world and the largest in Arabia and Africa.
06 JulyThe United States conducted a sedan nuclear tests as part of the operation plovesaire, to check the use of nuclearxplosians for civil purposes.
08 JulyIn response to student protest at Rangoon University, Burmese General ordered the demolition of the school's student union building.
09 JulyThe United States conducted Starfish Prime Nuclear Test. It was a high -height nuclear test conducted by the US in a series of nuclear tests. The explosion occurred 400 km above the ground. It was also considered a high -ranked nuclear test. The flames were seen in a large area of ​​about 1450 km.
09 JulyAt an early moment for pop art, the Soupaches exhibition of Andy Warhole opened at the Ferrus Gallery at the exhibition Los Angeles.
10 JulyTelstar was launched in class. It was the first communication satellite in the world. It was launched by the US space agency NASA. It was launched with the help of a thor-dalta rocket. This successfully broadcast the satellite television broadcasting.
10 JulyTelstar, the world's first active, direct Relactation satellite, was launched by NASA in a delta rocketframe cape canveral.
10 JulyTelstar, the world's first active, direct relay communication, which was launched by NASA riding on a delta rocket from Capcharil.
11 JulyThe first transatlantic broadcast of the satellite television was broadcast. This is a system to transmit signals of television program through communication satellite. Prior to the invention of this system, cable network was used for exchange.
11 JulyNASA announced for the manned mission moon. Missions revolving around Chandra were also announced. NASA named the project as Project Apollo. It was a series of missions in which several lunar projections took place and finally ended with human landing on the moon.
12 JulyBritish rock band The Rolling Stones played their first concert at the Marqui Club in London.
13 JulyIn an unprecedented action, British Prime Minister Herold McMillan dismissed seven members of his cabinet.
05 AugustActress and model Merlin Munro was found dead in her home in her home in Los Angeles, an incident that has become the center of one of the most controversial conspiracy principles.
06 AugustJamaica gained complete freedom from the United Kingdom, after 300 years of English, Morithan captured it 1655 from Spanish colonists.
11 AugustVostok 3 was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome and became the first person to swim in Cosmonotndrian Nicolayev Microwevity.
16 AugustThe Beatles fired drummer Pete Best and replaced Ringo Star (picture).
20 AugustNS Savanna, the first cargo traveler to run nuclear power, started his first visit.
27 AugustMeriner 2 Space Investigation has been initiated by the US Space Agency from Cape Canvart Air Force Station.
25 SeptemberThe Northern Yemen civil war began when Sallalde, as Abdullah, removed the new crown Imam Al-Bara from the throne and declared Yemen as its presidential candidate.
29 SeptemberAlouette 1, Canada's first satellite, and the first satellite built by any other country besides the Soviet Union or the United States was launched.
05 OctoberFor the first time in James Bond Film Series, Dr. No.
08 OctoberNews magazine Der Speigel revealed the inequality of the West German armed forces against the communist threat from the east, and was accused of treason shortly after.
11 OctoberPope John XXIII convened the second Vatican Council, the first Roman Catholic Ecological Council in 92 years.
22 OctoberCold War-U.S. President John F. Kennedy announced that the Soviet nuclear weapons were discovered in Cuba and ordered the island nation's head.
27 OctoberAfter much calculation from the two parties, the United States and the USSR arrive at a consent plan to end hostility and the fortnight faces the old Cuba missile crisis, in which the world was considering a omnipotent nuclear armdone.
21 NovemberHamberto Vidal Shu Store of Ríopiedras killed 33 people in a propane explosion, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and 69 others were injured.
24 NovemberAn important element of the British satirical boom was The Week The Week Week Thaatus, Firstbraudcast.
30 NovemberThe Burmese diplomatic Ut became United Nations Secretary -General after the death of Dag Hammarskold in September 1961.
11 DecemberThe convicted killers Ronald Turpin and Arthur Lucas were two persons executed in Canada.
14 DecemberNASA's Meriner 2 became the world's first spacecraft, which faces a failure while flying from Venus.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1962 in India ⚡

13 MayDr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan became the second President of India. In 1954, the Government of India honored him with the highest honor Bharat Ratna. His birthday (5 September) is celebrated as Teachers' Day in India.
05 SeptemberTeachers' Day is celebrated every year on 5 September. Teachers' Day is celebrated across India on September 5 to pay their respects to the teachers on the occasion of the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the former President of India.
08 SeptemberChina infiltrated India's eastern border.
22 OctoberPrime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru dedicated India's largest multipurpose river valley project to the nation 'Bhakra Nangal'.
26 OctoberAfter the Chinese attack on India, the then President declared emergency for the first time.
03 NovemberThe Gold Bond Scheme was announced in India in the wake of the Chinese attack.
17 MarchIndian American astronaut Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal district of Haryana.
14 AprilThe famous Indian engineer M. Vishweshwaraiah, who was awarded the Bharat Ratna, passed away.
03 AprilJawaharlal Nehru was elected the Prime Minister of India.
08 MayRanbindra Bharti University was established on 8 May in Kolkata, marked as the birth centenary of Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, who was the first non-European Nobel Prize winner of literature.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1962 😀

17 JulyKalpana Chawla / Astronaut / India
02 AprilArjun Singh / Politician / India
04 AprilKailasho Devi / Politician / India
04 SeptemberKiran More / Cricketer / India
13 AugustAnita Raj / Actress / India
17 MarchKalpana Chawla / Astronaut / India
19 JuneAshish Vidyarthi / Actor / India
26 SeptemberArchana Puran Singh / Actress / India
26 SeptemberChunky Pandey / Actor / India
27 MayRavi Shastri / Cricketer / India
27 JuneSunanda Pushkar / Industrialist / India
30 NovemberDeepa Sahi / Actress / India
30 JulyYakub Memon / Accountant / India
31 OctoberSarbananda Sonowal / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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