The year 1983 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1983 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1983 in World ⚡

04 MayChina conducted its first nuclear test. According to a leaked document in 1995, there were over 200 nuclear weapons across China. The second phase of Second Artillery started in the wake of high-capacity nuclear missiles which lasted from 1999 to 2009.
17 MayA peace treaty was signed between Israel and Lebanon.
26 MayThe earthquake in Japan from the 7.7 reactor scale killed 104 people.
02 JuneAir Canada's DC-9 aircraft in Cincinnati, USA, killed 23 people in a fire.
09 JuneThe Conservative Party won a second consecutive majority in the UK general elections led by Margaret Thatcher.
23 JunePope John Paul II had a private meeting with Lech Wałसाsa, founder and leader of Poland's independent trade union movement 'Solidarity'. In 1981, martial law was declared in Poland in view of social tensions and Solidarity was also banned.
02 JulyThe first unit of the indigenously built Nuclear Power Station started functioning at Kalpakkam near Madras.
21 JulyVostock in Antarctica recorded the lowest temperature minus 89.2 degrees.
23 JulyThe first war between the LTTE rebels known as the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government began.
28 JulyNASA launched commercial communication satellite Telsatar-3A.
29 JulyThe first driverless aircraft 'mini' successfully flew.
23 OctoberIn Lebanon, 241 American and 58 French soldiers were killed in martyrdom attacks on US and French occupiers of bases by Muslim conflicts.
23 NovemberThe Commonwealth Summit was held in New Delhi for the first time in the country.
26 NovemberArmed dacoits looted 250 million pounds of gold at London's Heathrow Airport.
06 DecemberSix Israeli civilians died in a bus explosion in Jerusalem.
14 DecemberGeneral HM Irshad declared himself President of Bangladesh.
25 JanuaryAcharya Vinoba Bhave was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honor.
20 February600 people died due to widespread violence in the north-eastern state of Assam ahead of the assembly elections.
01 MarchMary Kom, who made the country proud by winning medals in the Olympic and Commonwealth Games, was born.
05 MarchIn Australia, the leader of the Labor Party, Bab Hak became Prime Minister.
14 MarchOPEC, a group of oil producing countries, cut oil prices for the first time in 23 years.
26 MarchThe US conducted a nuclear test in Nawada.
31 MarchThe devastating earthquake in the Colombian city of Popayan killed 500 people.
21 AprilOne pound coin was introduced in Britain.
22 AprilThe spacecraft Soyuz T-8 returned to Earth.
31 JanuaryIn the United Kingdom, access was made compulsory for seatbelt drivers and front seat passengers.
13 February64 people died in a fire in a cinema house in Turin, Italy.
09 MarchAnne Burford resigned as head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency due to defamation.
18 AprilIn 1983, 63 people were killed by bombing the United States embassy in Beirut.
29 MayNeil Bonnett recorded his 24th race in the world at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
23 July117 people died in Japan's western Shiman province due to heavy rains.
04 AugustThomas Sankar became the President of Upper Volta.
19 SeptemberSt. Kitts and Nevis became an independent state.
02 OctoberNeil Kinnak was elected leader of the British Labor Party.
27 NovemberColombia's Avianca Flight 11 accidents occurred near Barjas Airport in Madrid city of Spain, killing 181 out of 192 people.
31 DecemberThe United Kingdom granted independence to Brunei.
01 JanuaryThe ARPANET changed its core networking protocols from NCP to TCP/IP, marking the beginning of the Internet as we know it today.
18 JanuaryThirty years after his death, the International OlympicCommittee restored gold medals to American athlete Jim Thorpe, who hadhad them stripped for playing semi-professional baseball before the 1912Summer Olympics.
19 JanuaryThe Nazi SS officer Klaus Barbie was arrested in Bolivia, 32 years after the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps helped him flee to Argentina.
16 FebruaryThe Ash Wednesday bushfires burned 513, 979 acres (2, 080 km2) in South Australia and 518, 921 acres (2, 100 km2) in Victoria, killing 75 people and injuring 2, 676 others.
22 FebruaryThe play Moose Murders opened and closed on the same night at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre in New York City, becoming the standard of 'awfulness' against which all Broadway theatre failures are judged.
08 MarchThe Cold War: During a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida, U.S. President Ronald Reagan described the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire'.
23 MarchThe Strategic Defense Initiative, an early proposal to develop ground-based and space-based systems, was developed to defend the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles.
19 AprilNuclear tests were conducted by France.
22 AprilThe first Test between Sri Lanka and Australia began in Candy.
22 AprilWest German news magazine Stern published excerpts published as the diary of Adolf Hitler, which appeared in front of Versubarery.
17 MayThe May 17 agreement was signed by the United States, Israel and Lebanon on the 17th May of 1983 to create peace between Lebanon and Israel. The agreement turned into a failure as it faced strong opposition from the Muslims of Lebanon and was accepted as a refuge.
20 MayA team of researchers led by French virologist Luc Montagnier Published their discovery of HIV, although they did not know yet if it causes AIDS.
20 MayA team of researchers led by French virologist Luc Montagnier Published their discovery of HIV, although they did not know yet if it causes AIDS.
27 MayEleven people were killed and damaged in several miles in the fierce explosion at an illegal firecracker factory near Benton city of Tennessi, USA.
02 JuneAfter the emergency landing due to an in-flight fire, twenty-three passengers aboard the Air Canada Flight 797 were killed when the aircraft doors were destroyed.
13 JunePioneer 10 became the first man -made object to leave the central solar system, when it overtakes the orbit of Neptune (the farthest planet from the Sun). Pioneer 10 was an American space probe, weighing 258 kg which completed the first mission for the planet Jupiter. The investigation project was operated by the NAMS Research Center in California
13 JunePioneer 10 (Pioneer Plancing Picture) passed through the class of Neptune, became the first man -made object to travel beyond the known planets of the solar system.
18 JuneSpace Shuttle Program: STS -7, astronaut Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. Sally Kryston Ride was an American physicist and astronaut. Born at Los Angeles, she joined NASA in 1978 and became the first American woman in space in 1983. She became the youngest American astronaut to do so at the age of 32.
18 JuneAboard Space Shuttle Challenger, Astronaut Sally Ride Basmeth first American woman in space.
18 JuneIranian teenager Mona Mahmudnizad and nine other women were embarrassed due to their membership in Bahai faith.
07 JulyAfter writing a letter to Soviet Premier Yuri Andropov, American student Samantha Smith visited Sasopov's personal guest, known as 'USA's Youngest Ambassador'.
15 JulyThe Armenian extremist organization Asala bombed the Turkishats check-in counter at Orly Airport as part of the campaign for its campaign Pare's recognition and the campaign for Armenian massacre.
23 JulyThe Sri Lankan civil war began when members of the Liberation Tigers of the Tamil Eelam attacked an convoy of Sri Lankan army soldiers, after which there were large -scale riots in Sri Lanka, which were Sinhalese with Tamils, who were black It was called July.
23 JulyAir Canada Flight 143 made an emergency landing in Gimli, Manitoba of Canada without loss of life, without any loss, without any loss, without any loss of life.
04 AugustBlaise Compaoré organized a coup supported by Blaise Compaoré and Thomas Sankra, supported by Bayelibia, was made the chairman of the upper Volta Republic (now Burkina Faso).
05 AugustAT & T has spread to seven regional companies after the government's anti-trust suit against AT&T in 1974, and after almost a decade of legal trouble, the phone divides themselves to the companies providing local service to Behmath. was forced to.
15 AugustThe storm occurs in the Gulf of Alicia Mexico, and after three days there is 21 deaths, thousands of injuries and billions of dollars on the Texas Gulf coast.
18 AugustHurricane Elliyia landed a landslide near Galveston in Texas, USA, causing a loss of $ 2.6 billion and killed 21 people.
01 SeptemberThe Soviet Jet Interceptor shot the civilian airline Koreanier Lines Flight 007 (portrayal of the artist's portrait) near Sakhalin Islandin in Northern Pacific, killing all 246 passengers and 23 crew passengers.
12 SeptemberWest Hartford in Connecticut, Clandstine Group Boricua Popular Army in Bancabury, closure the biggest cash of $ 7 million at that time.
23 SeptemberA bomb placed by Abu Nidal Sangathan destroyed the Gulf Air Flight 771 flying from Karachi, Pakistan to Abu Dhabi, killing 110 people aboard.
25 SeptemberIn one of the largest prisons in British history, 38 Provisional Irish Republican Army prisoners wandered their way from HM Prison Labyrinth at County Antream, Northern Ireland and were eating the air of the jail.
26 SeptemberJohn Bertrand's captaincy racing yacht is Australia II, US Cup, which is the end of the 132 -year Defense Trophy of New York Yacht Club.
26 SeptemberThe Soviet Lieutenant Colonel Stenislav Petrovuned by deliberately proved the worldwide nuclear war possible, otherwise the United States appeared as an adjacent attack as a false alarm by the United States.
27 SeptemberSoftware developer Richard Stallman announced plans for the UNX-like GNU operating system (logo picture), the first free softwaywinded by GNU project.
09 OctoberWith the increase in employment rates for several months, there are many hoping that the figures of the previous month are a twist at 9.3%. The highest national rate was recorded at 10.8% in December. This has been the highest in 42 years.
09 OctoberSouth Korean President Chun Do-Hawan survived a murder in Rangoon in Burma.
13 OctoberChicago, the first cellular mobile phone service for the general public in the United States, is provided by the America Mobile Communications.
21 OctoberAt the seventeenth general conference on weight and measurement, the length of one meter was redefined as the distance lights inwate in 1/299,792,458 of a second.
23 OctoberA truck was filled with explosives by a suicide bomber, killing 241 military personnel in the US sea barrack in Beirut.
23 OctoberThe Lebanese civil war-ridiculous attackers destroyed two barracks in Berut, killing 241 American soldiers and 58 French paratropers of the International Peace Force.
25 OctoberThe United States and Caribbean colleagues attacked Granada, Bernard Cord attacked six days after capturing power in the violent coup.
30 OctoberRaul alphonsin became the President of Argentina for the first time after the end of the military power.
30 OctoberAs soon as the military dictatorship ended, Argentina's first undemocratic election was held in a decade, resulting in Raul Alphonsin as the President of Argentina.
05 NovemberFive workers died in an explosive dissolution of an explosion at the Bofford Dolphin Semi-Sabmer Oil Rigwear while drilled into the Friggous Field in North C's Norwegian sector.
15 NovemberThe Turkish Cypirotes located on the northeastern part of Cyprus declares a new state known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Kipris, which is currently recognized by Turkish.
25 NovemberAn agreement was signed by members of the PLO (Palestinian liberation organization) to evacuate forces from Tripoli, the capital of Libya. The announcement was made from both Saudi Arabia and Syria. However, no immediate confirmation was made by the PLO.
26 NovemberSix robbers broke into the Brinkus-MAT warehouse at Londonhortro Airport and stole three tons of gold bullion, many of which were never recovered.
27 NovemberThe missile shipment arrived in Italy. According to the Italian Defense Ministry, these military weapons were to be kept strategically very soon. Surprisingly for some groups, anti-war forces had not yet performed in response to this missile deployment.
10 DecemberRaul Alfonsin became the first democratically elected President of Argentina to hold the office after the fall of military democracy.
31 DecemberMajor-General Muhammadu Buhari was elected to lead a successful military coup after Nigeria, who overthrew the civilian citizen Shehu Shagari.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1983 in India ⚡

25 JuneIndia defeated the West Indies by 43 runs to win the Cricket World Cup title for the first time.
28 DecemberIndia's legendary batsman Sunil Gavaskar broke the record of legendary batsman Sir Don Bradman by scoring his 30th century in the Madras Test against the West Indies.
17 AprilIndia launched SLV-3 rocket.
25 JuneIndia won the Cricket World Cup by defeating the West Indies by 43 runs.
17 AprilThe SLV rocket or satellite launch vehicle was launched by Bharat. It started the space age in India. The project was chaired by APJ Abdul Kalam.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1983 😀

01 MarchMary Kom / Player / India
01 MarchM C Mary Kom / Boxer / India
01 MarchMary Kom / Boxer / India
02 AugustYuvika Chaudhary / Actress / India
04 MayTrisha Krishnan / Actress / India
06 FebruaryS. Sreesanth / Cricketer / India
08 OctoberAbhishek Nayar / Cricketer / India
13 JanuaryImran Khan / Actor / India
16 JulyKatrina Kaif / Actress / India
21 MayKaveri Jha / Actress / India
23 AugustGauhar Khan / Actress / India
24 AugustAditi Sharma / Actress / India
24 NovemberNikita Anand / Actress / India
25 NovemberJhulan Goswami / Cricketer / India
27 JulySoccor Velho / Footballer / India
28 JulyDhanush / Actor / India
NA NAPriya Desai / Trailblazer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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