According to Gregory calendar, on August 07, the day number in a year is 219 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 220. August 07 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.
Important Historical Events of 07 August in the World ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1304 | Italian poet and writer Francisco Petark was born. He gained much fame from the lions of the plain words. |
1461 | Ming Chinese General Cao Qinn made a unsuccessful coup against Tianshun Emperor. |
1576 | Danish astronomer Tyco Brahma's observatory was laid on the island of Heaven, the foundation stone of Uriniburg. |
1606 | Shakespeare's play Macbeth was staged for King James I for the first time. |
1668 | Renowned Newton earned a master's degree from Trinity College Cambridge. |
1679 | A brigentine, Le Griffon, Upper Great Lakes built by Rain-Robert de la Sail became the first sailing ship to navigate. |
1710 | Godolphin Earl of Sydney resigned as the first Finance Minister. |
1782 | A horse riding statue of Bronze Horsman, a horse, was unveiled as one of the symbols of St. Petersburg, Russia. |
1782 | Bronze cavalry, a horse riding statue of Peter The Greatthat, serves as one of the symbols of St. Petersburg, Russia. |
1789 | Established the United States War Department. |
1814 | After his existence was approved in Russia, Pope Pius VII ordered the worldwide bullion solitecto trade to establish the Society of Isis (Jesuits). |
1888 | Philadelphia Theophilus built a revolving van door. |
1909 | Nine days after leaving the city of New York, with three friends, Alice Huilemasi, U.S. in San Francisco. I arrived to become the first person to drive a vehicle. |
1933 | The estimated 3,000 asserves were killed by the Iraqi soldiers in Dahuk and Mosul districts while carrying out the Shimla massacre. |
1935 | Flying ants were interrupting London, England, even a tennis tournament. A large amount of harmful insects were attacking the panties and gathering at every door. Officials say this was the most devastating attack of epidemic in 25 years. |
1936 | The Battle of Almendrelajo and the Battle of Siguenza began. |
1938 | To begin the construction of Holocost-Caid Mauthausen-Gusen (entry picture) from the Dachau concentration camp, forming the largest labor camp complexes in German-occupied Europe. |
1938 | Inmates from the Dachau concentration camp were sent to the start of Mauthausen, which would later be part of one of the most difficult labor camp complexes in German-Quiz Europe. |
1941 | Soviet Navy twin-engine bombers attacked Berlin. |
1942 | World War II-U.S. Marine launched the first American of the Guelkal Campaign with Landing on Guradalcanal and Tulagi in Solomon Island. |
1943 | The Second Battle of Smolensk began on the Eastern Front. |
1944 | IBM first presented the program-controlled calculator to the Horved University, after which it came to be known as Mark I (Figure). |
1944 | The first electronic calculator, 51 feet in length, 8 feet in height and weighing five tons, was built. |
1946 | Britain approved for the first time a picture of a black on the coin. |
1959 | Explorer 6 was sent to class to catch the Earth's first satellite photographs by the unmanned American spacecraft. Later in September, NASA released photographs to the World Press. It was Mexico that captured 6, as it went to the west on Earth at a speed of 20,000 mph. |
1959 | Explorer 6 first broadcast a picture of Earth from space. |
1970 | Jonathan Jackson kidnapped Jackson, Judge of California's superior court, Jackson's brother George from jail. |
1970 | The first computer chase tournament was held. |
1978 | Two years after the discovery of toxic waste, which was disposed off, US President Jimmy Carter announced a federal level emergency in the Niagara Falls, New York's Love Canal neighborhood. |
1985 | Tolcent de 'Arie, Essex, in England, a local magistrate and the family was murdered, described by The Times as' a classicwodunit'. |
1991 | Former Prime Minister of Iran Shapore Bakhtiar was assassinated. |
1994 | The first telephone service between Israel and Jordan started. |
1995 | Interactive television is this year's fashionable technology. It allows people to give grocery items, do banking, or leaving their place. Some test sites have been developed, but interactive television is not expected to be made public soon. |
1996 | The possibility of the existence of one-celled organisms on Mars was discovered by the remains of a meteorite that fell on Earth 13 thousand years ago by American scientists. |
1998 | The Islamic terrorist organizations are accused of bombing two United States embassies in Al-Qaeda, Nairobi, Kenya and Dar S Salaam, Tanzania, where at least 200 people died and injured over 5,000. US President Bill Clinton has given a statement, 'We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible for justice. |
1998 | The car bomb blasts in American embassies together took place in East African capital Dar S Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 200 people and injuring more than 4,500 people. |
1999 | The Chechnya -based Islamic Militian Group Islamic International Internationalslagade invaded the separatist movement of the neighboring Russian Republic of Dagagan. |
2006 | In the Bichol region of the Philippines, Meyon moves thousands away from the volcano, as local volcanoes forecast a closer explosion. |
2007 | Pakistan's army attacks a terrorist base in the Degan region near Meeran Shah in North Waziristan. |
2008 | The National Olympic Committee officially declares Durban, South Africa as the host city of the 123rd IOC season. |
2008 | Georgia began a large-scale military invasion against these Paratist region of South Oseshia, with the six-day Russo-Jorgian war began. |
2009 | A mosque and bombs were dropped on a mosque and pilgrims in Sririkhan village near Mosul, killing about 36 people of Iraq's largest Muslim community, because it was one of its biggest feasts, one of its biggest feasts, to celebrate the birth of Muhammad al-Mahdi. It collects. |
2011 | The world's longest guided route so far, Cambridge is busy, finally opens after being postponed for years. |
2012 | Three gunmen attacked and killed 19 people at a church in Oaken, Nigeria. |
2013 | A missile has been launched by the Syrian army on the southern Damascus region of Yarmuk, mainly occupied by Palestinian refugees. |
Important Historical Events of 07 August in India ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1941 | Nobel Laureate poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore died. He wrote the national anthem of India. |
1985 | Geet Sethi became the third Indian to win the World Amateur Billiards Championship. |
Important Days of 07 August National & International Days 🏁
Day/Observance | Level |
Rabindranath Tagore Memorial Day | National Day |
National Handloom Day | National Day |
National Javelin Throw Day | National Day |
Ivory Coast Independence Day | National Day |
Famous People's Birthdays on 07 August 😀
Birth Year | Name/Category/Country |
1925 | M. S. Swaminathan / Academic / India |
1925 | Thirumalraya Swaminathan / ICS / India |
1988 | Anisa Mohammed / Cricketer / India |
1996 | Aditya Joshi / Badminton Player / India |
See full list of famous people born on 07 august 🔗
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