According to Gregory calendar, on June 15, the day number in a year is 167 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 168. June 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1215King John of England put his seal in Magna Carta.
1219Northern Kruseds-A popular Danish legend, according to Danbog (Danmark flag), which is still one of the oldest state flags, fell from the sky and to defeat the Astonian people during the war of Danish forces. Lyndanisse laid fresh for.
1300The city of Bilbao has been established. Bilbao is a municipality and city in Spain, which is the capital of Biskay province in the autonomous community of Basque country. This basket is the largest municipality in the country and the tenth largest in Spain with a population of 353,187 in 2010.
1389The Ottoman Empire defeated Serb and Bosnia during the Kosov war. The battle of Kosov took place on 15 June 1389 between the army led by Serbian prince Laser Harbeljanovic and the command of the Ottoman Empire's attacking army Sultan Murad Hudavandigar.
1389Ottoman Turkish) Empire defeated Serbia in the Battle of Kosovo.
1502Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Martenic on his fourth visit. Martinic Eastern Caribbean Sea has an island in laser antils, with a population of 1,128 square kilometers (436 sq mi) and a population of 386,486 residents (till January 2013).
1520Pope Leo X released the Pope Bull Dominar for Sensurpropiation from 95 researches of Martin Luther and threatened them to have a desire.
1664New Jersey was established in America.
1667The first human blood transfusion was administered by Dr. Jean-Baptist Dennis. Jean-commentist Dennis was a French physician who first performed a fully documented human blood transfusion, an ex notaranfusion. He studied in Montpelier and was a personal physician of King Louis XIV.
1667French physician Jean-Baptist Dennis first documented human blood transfusion, giving a lamb given the blood of a 15-year-old boy.
1703Prince E Rococzi started the Hungarian Rebellion in France.
1762Paper currency started in Austria.
1762The paper currency started in Austria.
1776Human blood transfusion was performed for the first time by Dr. Yeo Baptis Denis.
1785Jean-French Piltre de Rosier, Cum-Pilot of First-Human Flight (1783), and their companions, Pierre Romain, crash before an air accident when their explosion occurs during an attempt to cross the hot air balloon Goes English Channel.
1785Two Franciscan civilians died of flying in a balloon in the world's first air crash.
1804The 12th Amendment was ratified in the US Constitution, which deals with the regulation of judicial power.
1808Joseph Bonaparte became the king of Spain. Joseph-Napoleon Bonaparte was the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made him the king of Naples and Sicily (1806–1808), and later the king of Spain. After the collapse of Napoleon, Joseph gave himself the style of COTE de Sir Villiers.
1815The most famous ball in history, "Richmond Ball " was held at Ressels.
1815Napoleon's War-French Marshal Michel won a strategic victory against the Anglo-Dutch army in the battle of Quatre Brass.
1815Duchess of Richmund conducted a ball in Brucels, Belgium, called 'the most famous ball' in history.
1836Arkansas became the 25th state of the United States.
1836Arkansas became the 25th state of the United States.
1844Charles Goodyer receives a patent for vulcanization, which is a process of strengthening rubber. Charles Goodyer was an American self-centered chemist and manufacturing engineer who developed a Valchenized rubber, for which he received a patent number 3633 from the United States.
1846Lassenston Church Grammar School opened in Tasmania for the first time.
1859A pig shooting in the San Juan Islands led the so -called pig war on the border between the United States and the British North America.
1864The US Congress enacted legislation to equalize pay for black soldiers.
1867Atlantic cable quartz gold mine installed in Montana.
1867Atlantic Cable Quartz Lod - Gold Mine Found in Montana. The Atlantic cable Quartz Lod Mont Laor County is a gold mine at Montana. Mera is located in the southwest region of Montana, which is between Drummond and Anaconda in the east of the George Town Lake.
1871Phoebe Cousin became the first female graduate of an American college law school.
187715 June Henry Osian Flipper becomes the first African-American to graduate from West Point Military Academy.
1878Eadweard Muybridge took a series of photographs to prove that when he ran a gallop, the four legs of the horse leave the ground; The study became the basis of motion pictures.
1896The earthquake of 7.2 intensity in Japan and the subsequent tsunami destroyed around 9,000 houses and killed at least 22,000 people.
1896The tsunami that followed the earthquake killed about 22,000 people on Japan's Sanricu coast.
1907The Hague Peace Conference was held for the second time in The Hague.
1908World Congress for Women's Rights opened in Amsterdam.
1919After about 16 hours, Vickers Vimi landed the first non-stop transatlantic flight, descended from John Alcocland Arthur Weanon Brown Crash in Ireland's County Gaulway.
1920Three African American circus activists were looted by a mob by a mob, by a mob in Minnesota, a crime that shook the country to take place in the northern United States.
1926The World Court began its eleventh session at The Hague City.
1944In Suskechewan general election, Tommy Douglas-led Co-operativeComonweight Federation won sufficient seats in Legislative Assembly to form the first socialist government in North America.
1951In New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, fire destroyed thousands of acres of forests.
1952The Diary of a Young Girl was published.
1954The UEFA (Union of European Football Association) has been formed in Basel, Switzerland. The Union of the European Football Association has an administrative body for association football in Europe, although many members have regions that are all or partially in Africa or Asia.
1954The Union of European football associations, the administration controlling the body for European football, was established in Basel, Switzerland.
1954The Football Association of Europe (European Football Association) was formed in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
1958Pizza Hut is established.
1967The first widely publicized and began in a heavy Rock Festival, Monteri Pop Festival, Monteri, California.
1971Britain's Education Minister Margaret Thatcher proposed ending the scheme to provide free milk to schools.
1977Free elections were held in Spain for the first time since 1936.
1978Raja Hussain of Jordan married American Lisa Halabi, who is known as Rani Noor of Jordan.
1982Surrendered the Argentine armies to the British Army in Falkland.
1988NASA launches Space Vehicle S-213.
1991The Congress won the tenth Lok Sabha election.
1991The explosion of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines stored the amount of particles in the atmosphere, which is enough to reduce the global temperature by about 0.5 ° C (0.9 ° F).
1994Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations.
1996The Tribal - The Provisional Irish Republican Army carried out a truck bomb blast at the Commercial Center in Manchester, England, injuring more than 200 people and caused widespread damage to buildings.
1997Formation of D-8 in Istanbul by 8 Muslim countries.
2005Asafa Powell of Jamaica set a new world record in the 100 meters Ferrata race with a time of 8.77 seconds in Athens.
2010Bhutan became the first country in the world to impose total tobacco ban.
2012Apple Eye Computer sold a record $ 374.500.
763The eclipse of Bar-Gale was celebrated in Assyhous, which is successfully mentioned for you the solar eclipse described in historical sources.

Important Historical Events of 15 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1659Aurangzeb declared an emperor in Delhi. Aurangzeb was the sixth Mughal emperor and ruled most of the Indian subcontinent. His reign remained from 1658 to 497 years, until he died in 1707. Aurangzeb was a notable expander and during his reign, the Mughal Empire reached its greatest limits.
1947The All India Congress accepted the Partition of India proposal of the British Plan.

Important Days of 15 June National & International Days 🏁

World Elder Abuse Awareness DayInternational Day
Global Wind DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1848Gheevarghese Mar Gregorios of Parumala / Bishop / India
1899Maharaj Shri Rajendrasinhji Jadeja / Soldier / India
1927Ibn-e-Insha / Poet / India
1929Suraiya / Singer / India
1932Zia Fariduddin Dagar / Singer / India
1937Anna Hazare / Social Worker / India
1951Avasarala Kanyakumari / Violinist / India
1952Satya Pal Jain / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 3 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11719
  Post Category :  History of June