The year 1997 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1997 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1997 in World ⚡

02 MayTony Blair became the youngest Prime Minister in Britain's parliamentary history. The Labor Party came to power in Britain after 18 years.
06 MayKristin Janin of France became the first woman in the world to reach the pole.
08 MayChina's Southern Airlines flight 3456 crashed, killing 35 people.
12 MayRussia and Chechnya signed a peace deal after 400 years of conflict.
04 JuneTelecom satellite reached 2D chamber. Communications satellite provides essential satellite based services to the country
13 JuneAs many as 59 people who had come to watch the film were killed in Delhi's Upaz cinema.
15 JuneFormation of D-8 in Istanbul by 8 Muslim countries.
30 JuneBritish rule ended in Hong Kong.
01 JulyThe first Science City of the country was established in Kolkata.
04 JulyThe American vehicle 'Sozner' reached Mars.
08 JulyThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) invited Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to join the organization.
15 JulyItaly's famous fashion designer Gianni Versace was shot and killed.
05 SeptemberFounder of Missionary of Charity and Nobel Prize winner Mother Teresa died in Kolkata.
18 SeptemberThe United States conducted an underground nuclear test called 'holog'.
25 SeptemberBritain's Andy Green set a record by flying a jet flying car at a speed of 714 mph.
15 OctoberArundhati Roy was selected for Britain's most prestigious Booker Prize for her novel, "The God of Small Things".
13 NovemberThe Security Council imposed a travel ban on Iraq.
17 NovemberIn southern Egypt, 68 foreign tourists were killed when extremists attacked the bus of tourists.
22 NovemberDiana Hayden won the world beauty title.
28 NovemberThe then Prime Minister Indra Kumar Gujral resigned.
04 AugustMo. Khatami was sworn in as the new president, winning the election in Iran.
16 AugustPakistani singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan died.
21 AugustCyclone Vinny killed 140 people and injured three thousand people in eastern China.
23 AugustUS University of Mississippi Medical Center received turmeric patent four years ago.
25 AugustMasuma was appointed the first woman Vice President of Ibtekar Iran.
31 AugustBritain's Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Khana were killed in a car accident in Paris. His car crashed into a pavement. At that time, Diana was only 36 years old.
19 FebruaryDeng Xiau Peng died at the age of 92, a senior Chinese leader and the foundation of economic reform in the country.
22 FebruaryA team of researchers at the Roslin Institute in Scotland announced for the first time a 'clone' from a cell extracted from a mammalian organism.
05 MarchNorth Korea and South Korea met for peace talks for the first time in 25 years.
18 March50 people died in a Russian plane crash in Turkey.
01 AprilSwitzerland's Martina Hingis became the youngest number one female player in tennis history.
02 AprilSumita Sinha set a record by allowing her to cross a truck weighing over 3200 kg.
13 AprilUS golf player Aldrick Tiger Woods became the youngest player to win the US Masters Championship at the age of 21.
29 AprilBan on chemical weapons enforced.
01 JanuaryEmergency Alert System was introduced, which was approved in 1994.
04 FebruaryOn the way to Lebanon, 43 people were killed when two Israeli army-transport helicopters collided.
04 MarchUS President Bill Clinton withheld federal funds for any research on human cloning.
22 AprilHaushe Khemisi massacre: 93 villagers killed in Algeria.
16 MayUS President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology to the surviving victims of the Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis in Negro men and their families.
01 JuneHugo Banzer won the presidential election in Bolivia.
11 July90 people died in a fire at the worst hotel in the city of Pattaya, Thailand.
01 AugustSteve Jobs rejoined Macworld, Apple Computer and Inc. of downtown Boston.
05 SeptemberThe Beni Messaus massacre in Algeria killed more than 87 people.
12 OctoberThe massacre on the Falls Road block of Sidi Dawood city in Algeria killed 43 people.
13 NovemberRamji Yousef was found guilty of masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
12 DecemberThe 1997 FIFA Confederation Cup began in Saudi Arabia.
02 JanuaryThe Howard Stern Rduio showed premiers in Columbus. Ohio is on WBZX 99.7 FM.
03 JanuaryEddo Brands of Zimbabwe takes ODI HAT-TRICKS vs. England at Harare.
05 JanuaryAn Ice Storm knocked out electricity in Quebec and Ontario.
06 JanuaryThe famous show “It's a slippery slope” finally ends at Vivian Beaumont Theatre New York city.
10 JanuaryThe 18th United Negro College raises its funds. This will be broadcasted on Jan 17th.
10 JanuaryArnoldo Aleman swears in as President of Nicaragua.
10 January1000 lire new coin released by Italy shows divided Germany on map.
12 JanuaryTiger Woods wins Mercedes Championship and it was a good victory for him.
16 JanuaryAnthony Stuart, the Australian cricketer took ODI hat-trick against Pakistan at MCG .
17 JanuaryDennis Rodman was suspended from NBA and charged a cash of $25000 as he kicked a cameraman.
20 JanuaryThe newly discovered comet Hale-Bopp crossed Mars orbit at 6:00 PM.
20 JanuaryPakistan defeated West Indies 2-0 thereby winning one-day Australian series.
21 JanuaryThe U.S. House of Representatives voted 395–28 to reprimand Newt Gingrich for ethics violations, making him the first Speaker of the House to be so disciplined.
23 JanuaryMadeleine Albright was sworn in as the first female United States Secretary of State, the highest-ranking woman in the history of the U.S. government.
24 JanuaryToni Braxton and Alanis Morissette won the 24th American music award.
26 JanuaryPete Sampras beats Carlos Moya in 85th Australian Mens Tennis by 62, 63, 63.
27 JanuaryToni Braxton and Alanis Morissette won the 24th American Music Award.
02 FebruaryMarko’ Meara won the award for pebble beach national golf pro - am.
03 FebruaryHoward Stern Radio show premieres to be in Detroit, Michigan on WKRK 97.1 FM radio.
04 FebruaryMargaret Albright, the secretary of US announced that she just discovered that her grandparents were Jewish.
05 FebruaryBrook Lee from Hawaii has been crowned as 46th miss USA.
06 FebruaryO. J. Simpson found it liable in murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson.
07 FebruaryUS and Russia announced summit set on March 20 to 21 for Helsinki.
09 FebruaryDeddue Reynold who was a renowned comedian was awarded the 11th American comedy award held in 1997.
10 February5th Annual ESPY awards took place on this day.
11 FebruaryBill Paralls becomes the head coach of New York Jets.
13 FebruaryThe Hubble Telescope was captured by Discovery.
15 FebruaryTodd Eldridge won the US Male Figure Skating Championship.
16 FebruaryPaul Stokowski wins Hawaiian Golf Open.
17 FebruaryCarl Sagan Public Memorial was inaugurated at Pasadena California.
19 FebruaryFCC made available 311for non-emergency calls and 711 for hearing or speech- impaired emergency calls on February 19, 1997.
20 FebruarySan Francisco Giants Barry Bonds signs record 22.9 million dollar two year contract on February 20, 1997.
22 FebruaryLPGA Cup Noodles Hawaiian ladies Open was won by Annika Sorenstam.
22 FebruaryScientists at The Roslin Institute in Scotland announced the birth of a cloned sheep named Dolly, the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell, seven months after the fact.
23 FebruaryAli Abu Kamal opens fire in Empire State Building and kills 1.
23 FebruaryNBC TV shows 'Schindler's List,' completely uncensored, 65 million watch.
26 FebruaryChange the world Babyface, Beck and LeAnn Rumis wins the 39th Grammy Awards.
27 FebruaryThe famous singer Sade (Helen Fosad) has been arrested in Jamaica for disobeying a cop.
28 FebruarySmokers must prove that they are above 18 years, only then they will be allowed to purchase cigarettes in US.
28 FebruaryIn what has been has viewed as a 'postmodern coup', the Turkish Military leadership issued a memorandum that eventually precipitated the retirement of Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan.
01 MarchMandy Patinkin in Concert,' has been opened at Lyceum Theater, New York City.
02 MarchPrince al-Waleed bin Talal, the Saudi Arab billionaire acquires 5% of Apple Computer.
03 MarchHoward Stern Radio Show premieres in Fayetteville. North Carolina is on WRCQ 103.5 FM.
03 MarchThe Sky Tower in Auckland, the tallest free-standing structurein the Southern Hemisphere at 328 m (1,076 ft), opened.
04 MarchBrazil Senate has allowed women to wear slacks.
04 MarchScientists have stated that Comet Hale-Bopp directly above the Sun (1.04 AU).
04 MarchRussia has launched Zeya Start-1.
11 MarchSan Francisco giant J.T. Snow suffers a fractured eye socket. His eye socket was fractured when he was hit by a pitch.
14 March80 people were killed as Iranian military plane crashed.
14 MarchOlympic gold medallist Michael Johnson wins the 67th James E. Sullivan Award.
14 MarchPresident Clinton trips and tears up his knee requiring surgery.
16 MarchNew Jersey Devil’s Dave Andreychuk became the 26 player to score 500 goals in NHL. He created world history. He after that became a great legend of NHL.
16 MarchStuart Appleby wins Honda Golf Classic.
17 MarchCNN began Spanish broad cart.
18 MarchRussian AN-24 plane crashed. Around 50 died.
22 MarchComet Hale-Bopp is approaching Earth.
22 MarchTara Lipinski of the United States won the Ladies Figure Skating Championships in Lausanne.
23 MarchMandy Patinkin In Court kicks off at the Lycorn Theater in New York City.
24 MarchThe Australian Parliament overturned the world's first and only euthanasia law.
26 MarchPolice in Rancho Santa Fe, California, discovered the bodies of 39 members of Heaven's Gate who died in an apparent cult suicide.
27 MarchMass suicide in California, 39 cult members committed mass suicide.
31 MarchThe day of remembering the old soap on ABC-TV.
01 AprilGordi Howe began to play AHL game with Syracuse crunch at the age of 65.
03 AprilRoyal opened in New York City for Dream Johnny Mercer Record, ie 71–1.
04 AprilThe DMSP Titan 2 was launched in the year 1997.
09 AprilNFL announced that it would give CFL $ 3m and a potential 'World Classic Bowl'.
13 AprilThe court theater opens D American Daughter in New York City. It was for 88 demonstrations.
13 AprilIn golf, twenty-one-year-old Tiger Woods became the youngest player to win the 1997 American Masters, breaking the record for the least four-goal scores (270 strokes, 18 under crosses) of the tournament.
19 AprilRenny Slaughter was crowned as the 14th Miss Hawaii Tropic International.
20 AprilThe cub defeated New York Met's with the worst opening, losing 14 straight games.
21 AprilLamek Agula of Kenya won the 101st Baston Marathon.
24 AprilSteel Peer is opened in Richard Theater in New York City. It was for 76 demonstrations.
27 AprilLittle Fox was opened for 56 demonstrations in Vivian Beomont New York City.
29 AprilThe 1993 chemical weapons conferences moved effectively, which increases the production, storage and use of chemical weapons of countries confirming arms control agreement.
30 AprilLondon Assurance, the criteria for 72 demonstrations opens in the theater New York City.
30 AprilAtlanta Braves won the record 19 games in April.
30 AprilTajik President Emomali was injured in an attempt to assassinate Rakhonov.
01 MayOn May 1, 1997, Tasmania became Australia's last state to discourage homosexuality. Improvement in gay law in Tasmania is not remarkable for any other reason because it was so late to end an era.
06 MayThe Central Bank of the United Kingdom, the bank of England, became independent after the 1997 general election, in which the Labor Government came to power for the first time since 1979. Chancellor of the Gord Brown announced the independence of Bank of England on 6 May 1997 on the official treasury.
10 MayMaeslantkering, a storm growth barrier, was inaugurated by Queen Beatrix on 10 May 1997. It is one of the largest moving structures on Earth, which can be closed automatically when needed because it is connected to weather and sea level data in a computer system and operates through software.
10 MayA 7.3 MW earthquake occurred in Iran's Khorasan province, killing 1,567 people, injured over 2,300, 50,000 homeless, and over 15,000 houses damaged Ordestering in more than 15,000 houses.
11 MayIn the 6th game of the tournament played in New York on May 11, 1997, IBM Supercomputer defeated Deep Blue and defeated world chess champion Gary Kasparov. It was the first chess champion to lose a computer under tournament circumstances.
11 MayDeep Blue became the first computer that won the match against the strange chess champion, when he defeated Gary Kasparov in six matches.
12 MayThe Australian marathon swimmer Susie Maroni, on 12 May 1997, became the first person to swim 180 km of Florida Straits from Cuba to the United States at the age of 22. She was the fastest floating woman in two ways, only 17 hours and 14 minutes at the age of 17 in English Channel Crossing 1991.
15 MayDuring the dedication of the Laos Memorial at the Arlington National Ceremony, the United States first publicly accepted its role in the Lotian civil war, which ended 22 years ago.
19 MayThe Sierra Gorda Biosphere, which encompasses the most ecologically diverse regions in Mexico, was established as a result of grassroots efforts.
02 JulyMark Thai Thai rapidly lost half of his value due to the Asian financial crisis.
04 JulyNASA's Path Finder Space Probe landed on the surface of Mars. The Mars Path Finder was an American spacecraft landed in 1997 at the base station with a mobile check on Mars. It consisted of a lander named Karl Sagan Memorial Station and a light -wheeled robotic Mars Rover named Sojorner.
06 JulyIn response to The Tributes-Dramacious dispute, a five-day journey began in the Irish Nationalist districts of Northern Ireland.
07 JulyIraqi Kurdish Civil War-The Turkish Armed Forces concluded Hammer, which successfully destroyed the Kurdistan Workers Party in Northern Iraq.
15 JulyAmerican spriy killer Andrew Quunnan shot fashion designer Gianni Vssee in Miami, Florida.
19 JulyThe provisional Irish Republican Army resumed its ceasefire permanently to end its 25 -year campaign against British rule in Northern Ireland.
20 July126th British Golf Open: Billy Ray Brown scored 271 runs on Royal Tron.
27 JulyCandide, ”Gorswin Theater has been closed in New York City. It has been closed after 103 demonstrations. This was a huge success.
01 AugustAccording to the material published by The National Cancer Institute, nuclear tests can be the root cause of thyroid cancer during the 1950s and resulted in 10,000 to 75,000 deaths, which can develop thyroid cancer.
06 AugustMicrosoft Apple purchases a small stake in a $ 150 million struggle and they decide to share technology. The deal assisted Apple on Wall Street, sent the company's stock to its highest price in a year.
05 SeptemberThe very tortured Catholic nun passed away in Mother Teresa, who was dedicated to her later years to the upliftment of the desi party; She was 87.
16 SeptemberSteve Jobs Apple returns to the computer, which he installed to run the company temporarily while searching for a permanent leader.
15 OctoberOn the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, the first supersonic landslide record was set by Royal Air Force Pilot Andy Green at Jet-Propeled Car ThrustSSC when it gained 1,228 km / h (763Mph).
16 NovemberAfter spending 17 the 17 The 18 years in jail, Chinese disgruntled Wei Jingsheng was released for 'medical reasons' and sent to the United States.
03 DecemberRepresentatives of 121 countries signed the Ottawa Treaty and signed the use of anti-workers land mines.
11 DecemberA conference held in Kyoto, Japan discussed and agreed by 50 countries to control greenhouse gas emissions and agreed. Its purpose is to get the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous anthropological intervention with the climate system.
15 DecemberPresident Clinton took the name of his Labrador, "" "" "Buddy" "" "" "" was discovered after being declared extinct in 1940.
16 DecemberAn episode from the Japanese television series Pokémon, Danyo Senshi Porgon inspired epilepsy seizures in 685 children.
19 DecemberThe Silkier Flight 185, which crashed into the Mushi River in Indonesia, was set for murder-suicide by the captain.
22 DecemberHussain Farah Aidid abandoned the disputed title of Somalia's previous birth.
27 DecemberBilly Wright, leader of the loyal voluntary force, was killed by members of the Irish National Liberation Army.
29 DecemberTo prevent the spread of the H5N1 flu virus, the Hong Kong government killed 1.3 million chickens.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1997 in India ⚡

06 JuneIn Bangkok, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand formed an economic cooperation group called Bistek.
10 JulyThe Indian community gained political authority with the approval of the new constitution in Fiji.
25 JulyK. R. Narayanan became the 10th President of India.
19 NovemberKalpana Chawla became the first Indian woman to go to space.
18 JanuaryIndia's first electric car 'Reva' was launched in Bengaluru.
13 MarchSister Nirmala was selected by Mother Teresa at the Indian Missionaries of Charity as the leader.
04 AprilThe World Bank declared India as the fifth largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power.
20 AprilShri Indra Kumar Gujral became the 12th Prime Minister of India.
13 JuneAmong the horrific fire tragedies in recent Indian history, 59 people were killed and 103 others were seriously injured during the film border premiere at UP Cinema in Green Park in Delhi.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1997 😀

14 MayManushi Chhillar / Actress / India
09 MarchDarsheel Safary / Actor / India
12 AprilAlka Gupta / Actress / India
14 MayManushi Chhillar / Model / India
30 JuneAvika Gor / Actress / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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