The year 1976 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1976 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1976 in World ⚡

06 MayThe devastating earthquake in Friuli, northern Italy killed 989 people.
07 MayAlexander Graham Bell received a patent for his invention, which he named 'Telephone' Tel).
17 MayJapanese lady Mrs. Junko Taibei became the first woman to climb Mount Everest.
19 MayAustralia gave legal recognition to gold ownership.
28 JuneThe first woman entered the US Air Force Academy.
29 JuneThe day is celebrated as Independence Day in this country since the Seychelles Islands gained independence.
02 JulyThe Republic of Vietnam came to an end. Communist North Vietnam announced joining with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
09 OctoberInternational direct dialing service between Bombay (Mumbai now) and London.
13 OctoberA Boeing jet plane crashed in Bolivia, killing about 100 people.
26 OctoberRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago gained independence from Britain.
05 NovemberThe Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test.
23 AugustThousands of people died due to earthquakes in China.
30 AugustMore than two hundred policemen were injured in the rioting at Notting Hill Carnival.
01 DecemberGeneral Ziaur Rahman declared himself President in Bangladesh.
02 DecemberFidel Castro became President of Cuba.
15 DecemberSamoa became a member of the United Nations, independent of New Zealand.
12 JanuaryAgatha Christie, one of the world's best-known detective novelists, died.
23 JanuaryKapilavastu, the city of Gautama Buddha, was discovered in excavations.
04 FebruaryA massive earthquake in the American countries of Guatemala and Honduras killed 22,000 people.
05 FebruaryAmitabh Bachchan's actor son Abhishek Bachchan was born.
15 FebruaryCentral Agricultural Research Institute was established in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
20 FebruaryBombay High started producing crude oil for commercial use.
09 MarchA cable car accident in Kavalese, Germany, killed 42 people.
16 MarchThe Prime Minister of Britain for eight years and the leader of the Labor Party for 13 years, Harold Wilson resented everyone by resigning.
30 MarchIn illegal occupied Palestine there was a huge demonstration called Land Day.
27 JanuaryThe first battle of Amgala in the Spanish Sahara ended between Morocco and Algeria.
13 FebruaryNigeria's General Murtala Mohammed was assassinated in a military coup.
04 MarchThe Magire was convicted for possessing seven explosives which sentenced him to 14 years in prison.
01 AprilApple computer company created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
01 May24 people died in a train accident in Skiedham, Netherlands.
02 JuneThe Philippine government established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
12 JulyBarbara Jordan was the first African-American to attend a political conference.
01 AugustThe Seattle Seahawks played their first football game.
01 SeptemberCigarette and tobacco advertising was banned on Australian television and radio.
04 OctoberBrand Intercity 125 High Speed ​​Train introduced in United Kingdom
26 NovemberThe Warsaw Pact Organization Joint Secretariat was established.
03 DecemberPatrick Hillary was elected unopposed as the 6th President of Ireland.
02 JanuaryThe Gale of January 1976 began, which resulted in coastalflooding around the southern North Sea coasts, leading to at least 82deaths and US$1.3 billion in damage.
03 JanuaryThe multilateral International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, part of the International Bill of Human Rights, came into effect.
04 JanuaryThe Troubles-Volunteers from the Ulster Volunteer Force shotdead five Irish Catholic civilians in County Armagh, Northern Ireland.
05 JanuaryGeorgian troops attacked Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, opening the 1991–92 South Ossetia War.
21 JanuaryThe Concorde supersonic transports began scheduled commercial flights to London, Paris, Bahrain, and Rio de Janeiro.
06 FebruaryIn testimony before a U.S. Senate subcommittee, Lockheedpresident Carl Kotchian admitted that the company had paid outapproximately US$3 million in bribes to the office of Japanese PrimeMinister Kakuei Tanaka.
09 FebruaryThe Australian Defence Force was formed by the unification of the Australian Army, the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force.
15 FebruaryThe current Constitution of Cuba, providing for a system of government and law based on those of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries, was adopted by a national referendum.
27 FebruaryThe formerly Spanish territory of Western Sahara, under the auspices of the Polisario Front declares independence as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
27 MarchThe Washington Metro, the second busiest rapid transit system in the US, opened to commuters.
01 AprilThe Apple Computer was originally established to sell the kit 'Do-It-' Kit.
04 AprilNordome Sihanauk was separated from the role of the leader of Cambodia and was arrested by Khmer Rouge.
08 MayThe world's first modern roller coaster with steel roller coaster Great American Revolution, vertical loop was opened on 8 May 2015. It was designed by Warner Schengal and was located in the Baja Ridge area of ​​six flag magic mountain.
19 MayCommonwealth restriction on the freedom of Australian residents to own, buy and sell gold was removed on May 19, 1976. Eelier no one was authorized of the ownership and trading of the gold in Australia except Reserve Bank or a person authorized by the bank.
24 MayConcord service began from London to Washington DC. Concord is a turbojet-operated supersonic passenger jet aircraft in service from 1976 to 2003. It is one of only two supersonic transport to enter commercial service. This much crosses the maximum speed at the speed of sound at 2.04, with 92 to 128 passengers seating spaces.
24 MayIn a liquor competition in Paris, the French judges shocked the liquor industry, more than the French wine compared to the California wine.
05 JuneEastern Idaho, the Tetten Dam in the US collapsed as its first filled reservoir, resulting in eleven people killed and 13,000 cattle were killed and loss of up to $ 2 billion.
02 JulyFall of Vietnam Republic; Communist North Vietnam announced his union to make Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is commonly known as North Vietnam, a Marxist and Leninist government in 1945. It was claiming everyone from Vietnam which included most of the North Vietnam.
02 JulyMore than a year after the end of the Vietnam war, North and South Vietnam officially united under communist rule and formed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
04 JulyIsraeli defense forces raided the Anthebe International Airport in Uganda to free those held hostage by the kidnappers on Air France Flight 139.
10 JulyThere was a Sewso disaster in Italy. It was an industrial disaster. This happened due to a leakage of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibangeo-dioxine in residential population. More than 3000 animals were found dead and many humans suffered from skin swelling and irritation.
18 JulyAt the Olympic Games in Montreal, Nadia Com? NECI became the first person to score an ideal 10 in a modern Olympic gymnastics competition.
28 JulyAt least 8.2 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale, which is the deadliest in history, spread to Tangshan, China, killing at least 2,40,000 people.
18 AugustNorth Korean troops killed two American soldiers in the jointcity area of ​​the Korean -dimilitary region, a 100 -foot (30 meter) chinar tree increased tension, which blocked the lines of the visions of the UN command post and an observation post. Gave.
10 September2 passenger jet collisions, British Airways flight 476 and an Intex Charter Airline flight over Zagreb, 176 people died due to errors of air traffic controllers.
17 SeptemberNASA publicly revealed its first space shuttle, called enterprise.
17 SeptemberThe first space shuttle made for NASA was rolled out of manufacturing facilities at Pamdale, California.
01 OctoberThe biggest vaccination program in American history is starting from today as American swine flu prepares itself for shots to deal with the new deadly disease of fever across the country, which is expected to emerge in winter later.
04 OctoberIntercity 125 service of British Rail, began operating in the world's fastest diesel -powered train, western region.
06 OctoberA violent devastation occurred due to a violent demonstration at Thammasat University grounds and Sanam Luang of Bangkok by Thai Army and police units, killing 46 people, and a military coup against Prime Minister Seni Pramoj's government.
07 OctoberHua Guofeng was successful as the President of the Communist Captain of China.
13 OctoberA chartered Boeing 707 crashed on a busy road in Santa Cruise, a city in Bolivia, killed more than 100 people.
24 NovemberOladiran-Muraadi earthquake in eastern Turkey killed at least 4,000 people.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1976 in India ⚡

27 AugustMajor General G Ali Ram, the first woman general of the Indian Armed Forces, was appointed director of the Military Nursing Service.
03 MayPAN M747SP landed in New York on 3 May 1976, which established a new round of world flight speed of 46 hours, 50 seconds for the circulation of Earth. On 25 April 1976, PAN M inaugurated Los Angeles / New York for Tokyo flight services. 747SP flew from New York to Tokyo via Delhi, India and returned to New York.
29 JuneSeychelles became independent of the United Kingdom. Seychelles, officially, is an archipelago in the Republic of Seychelles Indian Ocean. 115-The country, whose capital is Victoria, is located 1,500 km (932 mi) from the mainland South East Africa. Other island countries and regions include Zanzibar in the west and Comoros, Myat, Madagascar, Runion and Mauritius in the south.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1976 😀

01 JanuaryAmandeep Kaur / Bouncer / India
03 MarchRifleman Sanjay Kumar / Soldier / India
04 JulyAryan Vaidya / Actor / India
04 AprilPunit Vashishta / Actor / India
05 FebruaryAbhishek Bacchan / Actor / India
09 JuneAmisha Patel / Actress / India
10 SeptemberRavi Kant Anmol / Writer / India
11 SeptemberMurali Kartik / Cricketer / India
15 MarchAbhay Deol / Actor / India
15 DecemberBaichung Bhutia / Footballer / India
15 DecemberBhaichung Bhutia / Player / India
19 SeptemberIsha Kopikar / Actress / India
19 AugustNeeta Ghosh / Pilot / India
20 JulyDebashish Mohanty / Cricketer / India
20 NovemberTushar Kapoor / Actor / India
23 MarchSmriti Irani / Politician / India
27 AprilFaisal Saif / Writer / India
29 OctoberRaghava Lawrence / Actor / India
30 AugustChitrangada Singh / Actress / India
NA NAMitali Madhumita / Soldier / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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