According to Gregory calendar, on October 28, the day number in a year is 302 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 303. October 28 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 28 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1420Beijing was officially nominated the capital of Mingdenti in the same year which was completed for Fortbidan City, Sangathan's seat.
1492The great sailor Christopher Columbus discovered the eastern coast of Cuba, after which the Spanish forces arrived in the region.
1707The Hoi Earthquake broke all the sections of the Nanicemgrast together - the only earthquake called Donthis - the approximate volume of which was 8.6 ml.
1709England and the Netherlands signed the anti-France treaty.
1726Gulliver's Travels, written by Jonathan Swift in London and published by Benjamin Mote.
1791The Declaration of Women's Rights and the Women's Citizen were published in France.
1835The Maori chiefs signed the announcement of New Zealand's independence and established the joint tribes of New Zealand.
184682 people died in the Pioneer Sierra Nevada blizzard.
1859Spain declared war against the African country of Morocco.
1863The International Red Cross Committee was formed under the conference in Geneva.
1867Bhagini Nivedita, a disciple of Swami Vivekananda, was born in Ireland.
1868Thomas Edison made his first patent electric vote recorder.
1886France presented the Statue of Liberty to America as a symbol of friendship.
1886In New York Harbor, US President Grover Cleveland dedicated to Statue of Liberty, a gift from France, which recalls the declaration of independence of the centenary.
1891The largest known inland Nobe of Japan spread to the East Provinces of Mino and Overi.
1893In St. Petersburg, Pyotra Ilich Tchikovski led B. Minor, Pathic, the first performance of Symphony No. 6 after his death in nine days.
1904Panama and Uruguay established diplomatic relations.
1913Jain Shwetambar Terapanthi Sabha was established.
1915Richard Strauss performed his Tonapome N Alpine Symphony in Berlin.
1918After the separation of Hungary and Austria, Czechoslovakia became independent.
1918Czechoslovakia declared his freedom from Austria-Hungary.
1918In Western Galicia Eastern Europe) a new polis government was announced.
1919The US Congress passed the Volsted Act on the veto of President Woodro Wilson, strengthening the prohibitory orders in the United States.
1921Tuskinski Movie Theater in Amsterdam inaugurated
1929The US stock market Wall Street collapsed. Due to which the business market fell 24 per cent. It is called the biggest decline of American history.
1929This day marked Black Mande, with a major stock market turmoil of the 1929 Wall Street Crash, which eventually caused great depression.
1933As the population affected by poverty is moving towards excesses, the disease is also being seen due to TB, diphtheria, scarlet fever etc.
1940Greece replaced Italy's ultimatum, marking the introduction of Greco-Italian War and marking the entry of Greece into WW2.
1940The Balkan Abhiyan at the Second World War-Itley attacked Greece, Greek Prime Minister Ionis Metatex rejected the ultimatum of Italian dictator Bentito Mussolini as they were demanding the occupation of the creator.
1942The government announced that the coffee starting from November 28 would be given a nationwide form.
1944In the second world war, Germany's constituent Bulgaria surrendered unconditionally to the Soviet Union.
1954The American writer Ernest Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1965In St. Louis, Missouri, US, the 630-foot (190 m) long steel gateway arch was completed.
1971In the first, Britain launched a satellite over a British rocket. A satellite called Prosero is launched in the lower orbit of the Earth, placed on a black arrow carrier rocket.
1971Prosper, the only British satellite, launched on the British Breetish rocket, launched the launch area 5B in Vumera, Southeastheria.
1977The Hong Kong police attacked the headquarters of the forces ICAC.
1995Fire in Baku Metro of Azerbaijan, 289 passengers died in world's worst metro accident).
1995The world's deadliest metro accident occurred in Baku, Azerbaijan, when an electrical failure caught fire causing 289 passengers and injured 265.
2001Islamic militants attacked a church in East Pakistan, including 18 people killed during prayer, including children.
20044000-year-old mausoleums were unearthed in Beijing, the capital of China. EU negotiations with Iraq on nuclear issue fail.
2005Czechoslovakia, a country located in Central Europe, gained independence.
2006NATO apologizes to the death of Afghan citizens in an air strike in Kandahar province on Tuesday 24 October, blaming the Taliban for using common villagers as villagers.
2007Israeli PM Ehud Olmert apologized to his Turkish counterpart, Rispa Tayyip Erdoan for violating the Turkish airspace.
2009Around 117 people died and 213 were injured in a suicide bombing in Peshawar city of Pakistan.
2009The Peshawar bombings killed 117 people and injured 213.
2009NASA's Ares I rocket, the first test article for Eresi I-X, has been successfully launched on a sub-cycle test flight from Complex 39B, launched at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
2009In Peshawar, Pakistan, 137 people were killed and more than 200 people were injured in a car bombings by an unknown party.
2014Australia banned all visas of countries affected by Ebola virus, such as Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Although the country's officials said that it was necessary to maintain public health, medical and health experts strongly criticized this policy.
312Constantine the Great defeated Maximius in the battle of Rome's Malinian Bridge.

Important Historical Events of 28 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1851The British Indian Association was established in Bengal.

Important Days of 28 October National & International Days 🏁

International Animation DayInternational Day
Czech Republic Independence DayNational Day
Independence Day from Austria and HungaryNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 28 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1867Sister Nivedita / Author / India
1955Indra Nooyi / Business Woman / India
1958Ashok Chavan / Politician / India
1986Aditi Rao Hydari / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 28 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Fri 16 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12731
  Post Category :  History of October