According to Gregory calendar, on November 02, the day number in a year is 307 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 308. November 02 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 02 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1534The fourth Sikh Guru Ramdas was born.
1712The Suriname government gave 682,800 to Jacques Cussard, the French kidnapper.
1721The great Peter architect declared the first emperor of Russia, it was replacing 176-year-old Taradam of Russia with the Russian Empire.
1749The English Ohio Trade Company was made the first trading post.
1772Boston: Anti-English Committee of Correspondence was formed.
1795The Curacao government denied slavery on Sunday.
1835The Second Seminole War began in Osceola.
1835The Second Seminole War began in Osceola, Florida between various factions of Native Americans. This battle is also known as the Florida War.
1852Franklin Pierce was elected the 14th President of the United States.
1884Timisoara became the first city in Europe with streets illuminated by electric lights.
1889The Dakota Territory was an organized region of the United States, divided and became the kingdom of North and South Dakota.
1892The French poet Paul Varlein traveled to the Netherlands.
1898Theodore Herzl traveled to Jerusalem.
1898Organized cheerleading was born at the University of Minnesota when a student Johnny Campbell directed a mob to participate in an American college football game.
1914Britain incorporated Cyprus into its empire.
1917British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfor released the Balfor announcement, announcing the British support for the establishment of a Jewish motherland in Palestine.
1931The Soviet Union publicized that they would not export wheat this whole year along the next year due to shortage of wheat. The decision was announced after a recent trade agreement between the Soviet Union and France.
1931Dupont Company announced the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
1932The Australian Army launched a war against US AIMS, highlighting the low -indigenous bird convicted for widespread damage to crops in Western Australia.
1936The BBC broadcast the world's first hypertension television program.
1942The BBC launched French-language broadcasting in Canada.
1949The Netherlands recognized Indonesia as an autonomous state.
1950George Bernard Shaw died at the age of 97.
1951Nearly 6 thousand British soldiers arrived in Egypt to overcome the demonstrations against Britain. Britain sent such a large number of British troops to another country for the first time after the Second World War.
1953Pakistan officially became the Islamic Republic.
1957People from Levelland, Texas saw unknown light objects with bright lights. Jim Lee, head of the Interplander Space Petrol, then estimated that the UFOs are soon to come in large quantities and those who have doubted the claim will have no option but to agree.
1959The first section of the M1 motorway, its first type in Britain, is opened between two motorway spurs (M10 Motorway from Saint Albans) and (M45 Motorway Cybantry) between Watford and Cric / Rugby.
1963South Vietnam President Ango Dinh Dim was assassinated, which marks the culmination of the coup under the leadership of Duong Van Minh.
1964King Saud of Saudi Arabia, Saud, was removed by his half -brother's negligence and concerns about his inability of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasar's socialism.
1965American Quker Norman Morrison set himself on fire to the Pentagon to oppose the United States participation in the Vietnam War.
1965Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan was born.
1965Republican John Lindsey was elected mayor of New York City.
1979In Paris, French police shot gangster Jacques Mesren.
1984For the first time since 1962 in the US, a woman, Velma Barfield, was hanged.
1989North Dakota and South Dakota celebrated their 100th birthday.
1990Sky television and British satellite broadcasting were merged as the United Kingdom and the largest pay-TV broadcaster BSKYB in the island.
1995Former South African Defense Minister Magnus Malan and 10 other former military officers were arrested along with 13murders in the 1987 Kwamakhutha massacre.
2000An American astronaut and two Russian cosmonots have prepared themselves to stay at the international space station for four months, making them the first people to do so.
2004The Dutch film director Theo Van Gogge, whose film submission was important for the treatment of women in Islam, was murdered by Mohammad Borori.
2005About 80 squares of the world's best radio astronomers come together in Pune, how and where to decide to establish the world's largest radio telescope, to make decisions, Square kilometers are called Eri.
2006B. in Science, Science. A study has been released by Warm et al. It estimates the decline of commercial fisheries by 2048 due to pollution, excess rainfall and other environmental effects.
2007At Tabilisi, Georgia, 50,000–100,000 people allegedly demonstrated President Mikhil Sakashila in a corrupt government.
2008Lewis Hamilton won the 2008 Formula One Drivers Championship, defeating Felip Massa by one point. This makes him the youngest and first black driver of African heritage in history to win the title of Formula One World Champion.
2009North Korea appealed for direct talks with the United States regarding its nuclear program. He has also issued a warning that if the US fails to meet their demands, they will "go in their own way".
20118 people were killed and several injured in a collision with a goods train at a level crossing in Argentina.
2013Two aircraft with nine skydivers in Wisconsin crashes in the air between each other. However, the Skydiver survived with the help of his parachute and the pilots ran away with minor injuries.
2014A suicide bombing in Lahore, Pakistan, killed 60 people and injured 110 people.

Important Historical Events of 02 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1834On this day a ship named Atlas reached Mauritius with Indian laborers. Which is celebrated as the immigrant day there.
2012Indian-American mathematician Shriram Shankar Abhyankar died.

Important Days of 02 November National & International Days 🏁

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against JournalistsInternational Day
World Computer Literacy DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 02 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1833Mahendralal Sarkar / Physician / India
1877Aga Khan III / Imam  / India
1917Ann Rutherford / Actress / India
1941Arun Shourie / Journalist / India
1954Ami Ghiya-Kanwal Thakur Singh / Badminton Player / India
1965Shah Rukh Khan / Actor / India
1981Isha Deol / Actress / India
1985Diana Penty / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 02 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 17 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November