According to Gregory calendar, on October 09, the day number in a year is 282 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 283. Find List of Famous People Born on October 09 in India and the World: Here you can find the names of famous people born on October 09 in India and the World along with their date of birth, their profession and the country they belong to, etc. From World history, you will know about famous people like emperor, king, pundit, historian, explorer etc. And famous people born in modern world history include actors, actresses, filmmakers, businessmen, cricketers as well as players from other sports. This chapter is important as questions related to the birth of famous people are often asked in competitive exams.

Famous People's Birthdays on October 09 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country/Lived
1201Robert de Sorbon / Politician / France
1221Salimbene di Adam / Historian / Italy
1581Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac / Poet / France
1704Johann Andreas Segner / Mathematician / Germany
1796Joseph Bonomi the Younger / Sculptor / Britain
1835Camille Saint-Saëns / Composer / France
1837Francis Wayland Parker / Academic / United States of America
1840Simeon Solomon / Painter / United Kingdom
1845Carl Gustav Thulin / Shipowner / Sweden
1850Hermann von Ihering / Zoologist / Germany
1852Hermann Emil Fischer / Academic / Germany
1858Mihajlo Pupin / Chemist / United States of America
1859Alfred Dreyfus / Colonel / France
1863Edward Bok / Author / United States of America
1864Reginald Dyer / General / United Kingdom
1871Georges Gauthier / Bishop / Canada
1873Carl Flesch / Educator / Hungary
1873Karl Schwarzschild / Astronomer / Germany
1873Charles Rudolph Walgreen / Business Man / United States of America
1874Nicholas Roerich / Painter / Russia
1877Gopabandhu Das / Poet / India
1879Max von Laue / Academic / Germany
1880Charlie Faust / Baseball Player / United States of America
1883Maria Filotti / Actress / Greece
1886Rube Marquard / Baseball Player / United States of America
1888Nikolai Bukharin / Politician / Russia
1888Irving Cummings / Actor / United States of America
1890Aimee Semple McPherson / Evangelist / United States of America
1892Ivo Andrić / Novelist / Yugoslavia
1893Mário de Andrade / Poet / Brazil
1897M. Bhaktavatsalam / Politician / India
1897M. Bhaktavatsalam / Politician / India
1898Tawfiq al-Hakim / Author / Egypt
1898Joe Sewell / Baseball Player / United States of America
1899Bruce Catton / Author / United States of America
1900Joseph Friedman / Inventor / United States of America
1900Alastair Sim / Actor / United Kingdom
1900Joseph Zubin / Academic / United States of America
1902Freddie Young / Cinematographer / United Kingdom
1903Walter O'Malley / Business Man / United States of America
1906J. R. Eyerman / Journalist / United States of America
1906Léopold Sédar Senghor / Politician / Senegal
1907Quintin Hogg / Politician / United Kingdom
1907Jacques Tati / Actor / France
1907Horst Wessel / Army Officer / Germany
1908Harry Hooton / Poet / Australia
1908Lee Wiley / Singer / United States of America
1909Donald Coggan / Bishop / United Kingdom
1911Joe Rosenthal / Photographer / United States of America
1914Edward Andrews / Actor / United States of America
1915Clifford M. Hardin / Politician / United States of America
1915Belva Plain / Author / United States of America
1918E. Howard Hunt / Author / United States of America
1918Charles Read / Air Marshal / Australia
1918Bebo Valdés / Pianist / Sweden
1920Jens Bjørneboe / Author / Norway
1920Yusef Lateef / Composer / United States of America
1920Jason Wingreen / Actor / United States of America
1921Michel Boisrond / Writer / France
1921Tadeusz Różewicz / Poet / Poland
1922Léon Dion / Academic / Canada
1922Philip "Fyvush" Finkel / Actor / United States of America
1922Olga Guillot / Singer / United States of America
1923Donald Sinden / Actor / United Kingdom
1924Immanuvel Devendrar / Soldier / India
1926Danièle Delorme / Actress / France
1927John Margetson / Diplomat / United Kingdom
1928Einojuhani Rautavaara / Educator / Finland
1930Hank Lauricella / Footballer / United States of America
1931Antony Booth / Actor / United Kingdom
1931Homer Smith / Footballer / United States of America
1932Robert McBain / Actor / United Kingdom
1933Peter Mansfield / Doctor / United Kingdom
1933Peter Mansfield / Academic / United Kingdom
1933Bill Tidy / Soldier / United Kingdom
1934Jill Ker Conway / Author / Australia
1934Abdullah Ibrahim / Pianist / South Africa
1935Don McCullin / Journalist / United Kingdom
1936Brian Blessed / Actor / United Kingdom
1936Mick Young / Politician / Australia
1938Heinz Fischer / Politician / Austria
1938John Sutherland / Author / United Kingdom
1939Nicholas Grimshaw / Academic / United Kingdom
1939John Pilger / Journalist / United Kingdom
1939Stephen Sedley / Lawyer / United Kingdom
1939O. V. Wright / Writer / United States of America
1940John Lennon / Singer / United States of America
1940Gordon J. Humphrey / Soldier / United States of America
1940John Lennon / Writer / United Kingdom
1940Joe Pepitone / Baseball Player / United States of America
1941Brian Lamb / Broadcaster / United States of America
1941Trent Lott / Politician / United States of America
1942Michael Palmer / Author / United States of America
1943Douglas Kirby / Author / United States of America
1943Jimmy Montgomery / Footballer / United Kingdom
1943Mike Peters / Cartoonist / United States of America
1944Rita Donaghy / Politician / United Kingdom
1944John Entwistle / Writer / United Kingdom
1944Nona Hendryx / Writer / United States of America
1945Amjad Ali Khan / Instrumentalist / India
1945Taiguara / Singer / Brazil
1947John Doubleday / Painter / United Kingdom
1947France Gall / Singer / France
1947William E. McAnulty Jr. / Lawyer / United States of America
1947Tony Zappone / Journalist / United States of America
1948Jackson Browne / Writer / United States of America
1948John Gray / Cricketer / United Kingdom
1949Rod Temperton / Writer / United Kingdom
1950Brian Downing / Baseball Player / United States of America
1950Yoshiyuki Konishi / Fashion Designer / Japan
1950Reichi Nakaido / Singer / Japan
1950Jody Williams / Activist / United States of America
1952Simon Drew / Illustrator / United Kingdom
1952Sharon Osbourne / Television Host / United Kingdom
1952John Rose / Business Man / United Kingdom
1952Dennis Stratton / Writer / United Kingdom
1953Sally Burgess / Educator / United Kingdom
1953Hank Pfister / Tennis Player / United States of America
1953Tony Shalhoub / Actor / United States of America
1954Scott Bakula / Actor / United States of America
1954John O'Hurley / Actor / United States of America
1955Linwood Boomer / Actor / Canada
1955Steve Ovett / Runner / United Kingdom
1955Peter Saville / Director / United Kingdom
1957Don Garber / Business Man / United States of America
1957Ini Kamoze / Singer / Jamaica
1958Al Jourgensen / Writer / United States of America
1958Alan Nunnelee / Politician / United States of America
1958Mike Singletary / Footballer / United States of America
1959Boris Nemtsov / Politician / Russia
1960Kenny Garrett / Composer / United States of America
1961Julian Bailey / Racing Car Driver / United Kingdom
1961Kurt Neumann / Writer / United States of America
1961Ellen Wheeler / Actress / United States of America
1962Jorge Burruchaga / Footballer / Argentina
1962Paul Radisich / Race Car Driver / New Zealand
1962Hugh Robertson / Politician / United Kingdom
1962Ōnokuni Yasushi / Wrestler / Japan
1963Andy Platt / Rugby Player / United Kingdom
1964Guillermo del Toro / Producer / United States of America
1965Jimbo Fisher / Footballer / United States of America
1966David Cameron / Politician / United Kingdom
1966Christopher Östlund / Publisher / Sweden
1967Carling Bassett-Seguso / Tennis Player / Canada
1967Eddie Guerrero / Wrestler / United States of America
1969Guto Bebb / Politician / United Kingdom
1969Darren Britt / Rugby Player / Australia
1969Christine Hough / Figure Skater / Canada
1969Giles Martin / Writer / United Kingdom
1969Steve McQueen / Director / United Kingdom
1970Kenny Anderson / Basketball Player / United States of America
1970Steve Jablonsky / Composer / United States of America
1970Annika Sörenstam / Golfer / Sweden
1971Wayne Bartrim / Rugby Player / Australia
1973Fabio Lione / Writer / Italy
1975Haylie Ecker / Violinist / Australia
1975Sean Lennon / Actor / United States of America
1976William Alexander / Author / United States of America
1976Lee Peacock / Footballer / Scotland
1976Özlem Türköne / Politician / Turkey
1977Emanuele Belardi / Footballer / Italy
1977Brian Roberts / Baseball Player / United States of America
1978Nicky Byrne / Singer / Ireland
1978Juan Dixon / Basketball Player / United States of America
1979Vernon Fox / Footballer / United States of America
1979Alex Greenwald / Writer / United States of America
1979Todd Kelly / Racing Car Driver / Australia
1979Chris O'Dowd / Actor / Ireland
1979Brandon Routh / Actor / United States of America
1979Gonzalo Sorondo / Footballer / Uruguay
1980Henrik Zetterberg / Ice Hockey Player / Sweden
1981Darius Miles / Basketball Player / United States of America
1983Stephen Gionta / Ice Hockey Player / United States of America
1983Farhaan Behardien / Cricketer / South Africa
1983Jang Mi-ran / Weightlifter / South Korea
1983Andreas Zuber / Race Car Driver / Austria
1985Chris Jones / Footballer / United Kingdom
1985David Plummer / Swimmer / United States of America
1986Derek Holland / Baseball Player / United States of America
1986Laure Manaudou / Swimmer / France
1987Samantha Murray / Tennis Player / United Kingdom
1987Bill Walker / Basketball Player / United States of America
1988David Tyrrell / Rugby Player / Australia
1991Tyson Frizell / Rugby Player / Australia
1993Ani Amiraghyan / Tennis Player / Armenia
1993Lauren Davis / Tennis Player / United States of America
1993Jayden Hodges / Rugby Player / Australia
1993Scotty McCreery / Writer / United States of America
1996Bella Hadid / Model / United States of America
2015Belva Plain / Author / United States of America

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  Post Category :  Famous People Born in October